ARC Dev Apps

MyAndroid 1.19
This app will allow you to find/locateand/orretrieve information from your mobile smartphone lost orstolen.MyAndroid Service is an app that you download "after" youloseyour phone or "after" having your phone stolen.Follow these steps:1. Install MyAndroid from the Android Market website to thephonethat you are trying to find2. The MyAndroid Service will start automatically and it willsendyou your phone’s information to your Gmail address configuredinyour device.3. Wait some minutes and open your account email, it will sendyouinformation about each 5 minutes.MyAndroid will Start Automatically and will Get Informationaboutyour device and send you in your email address, theinformationsare:* Date/Time* Phone ID:Phone IMEIPhone IMSIAndroid ID* Android Info:BOARD, BRAND, CPU ABI, DEVICE, DISPLAY, FINGERPRINT, HOST,ID,MANUFACTURER, MODEL, PRODUCT, TAGS, TYPE, USER, TIME,VERSION CODENAME, INCREMENTAL, RELEASE, SDK, SDK INT, VERSIONCODESBASE, VERSION CODES BASE 2* Telephony Info:DeviceSoftwareVersion, Line1Number,NetworkCountryIso,NetworkOperator, NetworkOperatorName,SimCountryIso,SimOperator, SimOperatorName, SimSerialNumber,NetworkType,PhoneType, CellLocation, General* Primary Email Address* Contact List:Phone ContactsSIM ContactsEMails* Accounts* LocationApp Starts on: (Special Permissions)BOOT COMPLETED, REBOOT, SHUTDOWN,PACKAGE INSTALL, PACKAGE REPLACED, PACKAGE ADDED, PACKAGECHANGED,PACKAGE REMOVED, PACKAGE RESTARTED,BROADCAST PACKAGE REMOVEDCALL PHONE, PROCESS OUTGOING CALLSBROADCAST SMS, RECEIVE SMSNEW OUTGOING CALL, DATA SMS RECEIVED, SMS RECEIVED,LOCALECHANGEDSCREEN OFF, SCREEN ON, BATTERY OKAY, BATTERY LOW, BATTERYCHANGED,POWER CONNECTED, POWER DISCONNECTEDCAMERA BUTTON, MEDIA BUTTON, HEADSET PLUGMEDIA SCANNER SCAN FILE, MEDIA SCANNER STARTED, MEDIASCANNERFINISHEDPHONE STATE, WALLPAPER CHANGED, USER PRESENTREAD CONTACTS, GET ACCOUNTS, MANAGE ACCOUNTS, AUTHENTICATEACCOUNTS,USE CREDENTIALSLocation: ACCESS FINE LOCATION, ACCESS COARSE LOCATION,ACCESSLOCATION EXTRA COMMANDS, ACCESS MOCK LOCATION,CONTROL LOCATION UPDATESSDCard: READ OWNER DATA, WRITE OWNER DATA, WRITEEXTERNALSTORAGEINTERNET, ACCESS WIFI STATE, ACCESS NETWORK STATEMyAndroid will turn on the gps in case it is off.You'll be able to recover your contact list, as numbersandemails, and the list of all syncronized accounts.The information will be send each 5 minutes, updatingtheseinformation like locations.After you find/locate/recover your mobile smartphone, uninstallthisapp to stop send emails to your account.In same cases, It will write these informations in the SDCard,Itcan utilize FTP-Server, and will send it to you.Thank You for Using MyAndroid And Good Luck!!!
ColorTemplate 1.0
This App allows you to choose a color and see their respective RGBcode.
This App allows you to Backup the User Installed Applications onthe device.
AppList 1.10
This App List All the Apps Installed in the Device.